Apparently, Garp turned down a promotion to admiral! Which means he isn't just merely as strong as a Vice-Admiral he's probably one of the few men who can fight Whitebeard one-on-one!. #ONE PIECE WORLD SEEKER BOULDER MAP TV#
The battle was declared a "draw", we here at Tv Tropes call that a Curb-Stomp Battle. However despite this - and with a bit of help from the weather - Roger's crew destroys half of Shiki's fleet, with Shiki himself getting a part of a (presumably his ship's) helm stuck in the back of his head.
Roger's answer is "I'm going to crush you all!" Now one might suspect this suicide, as Shiki has a fleet, whilst Roger has one ship, the Oro Jackson.
Gold Lion Shiki tries to get Gold Roger and his crew to join Shiki's massive fleet of ships, as well as get the information on one of the ancient weapons. An Emotionless Excursion": Vinsmokes Niji and Yonji finally get Laser-Guided Karma in the form of Pudding, who is enraged by their merciless bullying of Sanji and punches them both in the face simultaneously. #ONE PIECE WORLD SEEKER BOULDER MAP SERIAL#
And after Scotch is defeated, it's revealed that she knew that "Gabaru" is really the Serial Killer Rookie Pirate Caribou all along, the real Gabaru having had died long before Caribou came in, but didn't tell anyone as to not break their hearts. well, an old lady trying to fight one of Kaido's men. And when Scotch burns her house and attacks her looking for "Gabaru", the old lady helps her "grandson" escape and challenges Scotch, despite her being.
The old lady loves her "grandson" so much that she chases off the revolutionary soldiers looking for him. And he did all that because the old lady reminded him of his own grandmother, who raised him and Coribou since childhood. Despite having every chance to abandon the island he washed up on and especially the old lady who found and nursed him back to health, Caribou ultimately decides to go back and liberate the island from Scotch's forces, disguising himself as Commander Gabaru to lead the revolutionaries and outright killing Scotch (who is one of Kaido's top enforcers) by drowning him with his Swamp-Swamp Fruit. He ends it by firing a Buggy Ball into the village, completely obliterating it.
"Buggy's Crew: After the Battle!": Buggy rescuing his crew from the Bear Claw Tribe, especially since he had recently gotten his Butt-Monkey status cemented.